Established in 1997
Membership is open to residents of
Churton Street
Churton Place
Charlwood Place and
Charlwood Street (between Tachbrook Street and Belgrave Road)
The Association meets each year for the AGM and drinks, holding further meetings if necessary, and keeps members informed of matters affecting local residents via a monthly email newsletter.
Active interest in local planning issues
Improving our area, such as the tree planting and hanging basket schemes in Churton Street and Charlwood Street
Action on local nuisance issues
Maintaining good relationships with local traders and helping to promote retail in Pimlico, including the Tachbrook Street market
Representation on the Warwick Ward Safer Neighbourhood Panel and working in close conjunction with local police
Participation in a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
Maintaining regular contact with Westminster Councillors
Active membership of FREDA (Federation of Pimlico Residents’ Associations)
Representation on the Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum
We hold a very well attended annual Christmas Drinks Party in December, and over the past couple of years this has been augmented with "doorstep" teas and drinks in Charlwood Place.
If you would like to join the Association contact us using the form on the Home page.
The annual membership fees are £10 for the first person in the household and then £5 for each subsequent member. These cover the costs of the AGM and drinks, the Christmas Party, our memberships of FREDA and the Westminster Society, and other small expenses.